A great website to see what happened to the US spacecraft and boilerplates is http://www.americanspacecraft.com/ .
This Gemini boilerplate is serial number MSC 312, it was used by the 79th Aerospace Rescue & Recovery Squadron and it trained the Gemini recovery divers in the N. Calif ocean. It weighs 3500 lbs, it's 8.5' long, the heatshield area is 8' in diameter and I found it in a N. Calif. cemetery. It was common for the Mercury, Gemini & Apollo boilerplate models to be sold for scrap or given to schools or playgrounds, after the program was completed.
I wanted to keep it because it's such a rare artifact, but when I offered it to museums for a loan, nobody was interested, so I ended up selling it. My wife told me that if I bought it home, there better be enough room for a bed, because I would be moving into it. As a result, it's headed to a good home back east.
You have an awesome collection. I too collect artifacts from the space programs. I bought over 2 tons of hardware mainly Apollo in 1976. I am trying to ID a piece I have from Gemini
Please email me at spacecrazy @ verizon.net
Thanks, Ray
I Ray this is Jade please contact me at jademdevine@gmail.com I'm sure you know this is regarding I'm very concerned about my pictures thank you
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